Left Yellowstone area about 7 AM and drove to Coeur d’ Alene, snow covered mountains with sun peeking through occasionally. We ate lunch at a rest area with prairie dogs scurrying around their holes right nearby.
Left camp at 7 and drove into WA to the little town Tokio, WA where we gassed up and ate b’fast. While today will end the first leg of our journey, we have talked about the immensity of the wide open spaces across many of the states. So much food is being produced – from corn and beans to beef and pork. Here is Eastern WA we again see cattle farms….hundreds of acres of rolling shrub and grass covered hills with cattle seen every few miles. Traveling across this land our hearts swell with gratitude to God for such blessings.
Then there is the sheer beauty of so much of America….stunning at times. And we have more to come! At this point it appears that we’ll get to Ken and Krista sometime mid-afternoon today. Ken has hired a fishing guide for tomorrow and he and I and Nate plan to go fishing. Should be an eventful day! Marty wants to do some food shopping as well as our laundry.
Arrived by Ken and Krista at Ft. Lewis just South of Tacoma about 3 pm. Got my fishing license for tomorrow and then Ken, Nate and I are going fishing with a guide on the Columbia River!
Idaho where we stayed at Beauty Creek NFS campground. All day we drove through and around beautiful
Hope your sturgeon-ing went well today. We were with you in spirit; Ty used his Buzz Lightyear rod in Calvin's north pond and caught his first fish - he was very happy and proud (as was his dad :) Unfortunately the camera was in AZ with Julie but he is already making plans to go fishing with Grandpa!